FWIW - I fixed this same exact issue by taking the backup drive to another computer, opening Disk Management, and assigning the backup drive a drive letter. Then reconnect the drive to the server you want to restore - and like magic it started working as
it should.
BTW - my backup disk is 3TB and is used solely for use with backups, no other info is on it.
Hope this helps
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Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community.
Based on the issues description, I understand that you receive Error bmrui.exe - Application Error in attempt to restore system image from an external hard drive. I can imagine how inconvenience it could be.
To understand this issue better, I would like to have the following information:
1. What is the make and model of the computer?
2. What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your subscription current? What anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)? What third-party firewall (if any)?
3. Are you able to boot the computer to desktop screen?
The probable cause for this issue could be due to EFI system partition.
To get rid out of EFI System Partition, the easiest is to use the diskpart program:
Launch an elevated CMD (Click on Start menu, in the start search box type
CMD, in the search result right click on command prompt choose
run as administrator).
In the Command prompt type diskpart
Type list disk and find which disk is the one you need to wipe clean.
Type select disk nnn where nnn is the disk number.
Make sure it is the right disk by doing a list partition and check that it has an
EFI System Partition on it.
Type clean. This will wipe the whole disk -- all your data will be lost.
Type 'exit' to exit diskpart
Exit out of command prompt and try to restore system image again from External drive, check if it works now.