Hi all,
4 to 5 days ago, I allowed my system to make an Error Report after a glitch which made Windows close down. I've not done this before and have hardly any such glitches.
Today, I took a phone call from an Indian call centre telling me they were Microsoft responding to my Error Report. They had checked and found I had a Deadly Virus which they could fix if I agreed used their Advance System Protector. This would eliminate the
problems I was having (I am NOT having any continuing problems) and would speed up my PC.
I could hardly hear what was being said as the headset/phone line were terrible and I told them so.
They said I could sign up to their protection system for £70 on-line and my cyber world would be safer and faster.
I said if their software was as bad as their phone equipment, I was not interested.
However, my REAL concern is that this was the only time I've allowed my Windows system to make an error report. It seems strange that my error report was followed so closely by this scam call.
Did did this company get detail of the error report and of my phone number.
Or was this simply a coincidence.
Thanks for any input.
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Error report closely followed by scam phone call.
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Include scanning with David Lipman's Multi_AV and follow instructions to do all scans in Safe Mode. Please see the special Notes regarding using Multi_AV in Vista.
http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#Multi-AV - instructions
http://tinyurl.com/yoeru3 - download link and more instructions
If you can't do the work yourself (and there is no shame in admitting this isn't your cup of tea), take the machine to a professional computer repair shop (not your local equivalent of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad). Please be aware that not all local shops are skilled at removing malware and even if they are, your computer may be so infested that Windows will need to be clean-installed. If possible, have all your data backed up before you take the machine into a shop.
MS-MVP - Elephant Boy Computers - Don't Panic!
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Question Info
Last updated February 7, 2019 Views 24,841 Applies to: