Windows Movie Maker



I have an HP laptop running Windows Vista 32-bit Home Premium OS.


Does Windows Movie Maker allow you to capture video, e.g., from VHS,


then convert to digital and burn it to a DVD-R ?


If not, what functionality does it have ?


Does it allow to edit already-captured video then edit and burn it to disc ?


Is the any "User Guide" available to be able to learn how to use ths program ?


Thank you






Thank you for your feedback,


especially for taking time to include all of the web links !




What does the tem "Live" mean ?



You're welcome and the links should get you started if you wish to create Movie Maker projects.

Live was the name of several Microsoft apps that were included in Windows Live Essentials.

Windows Live Photo Gallery, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Movie Maker, etc...

The term "Live" has since been removed.

Just a note of explanation...there are many different versions of Movie Maker...
Windows Vista Movie Maker 6 is included when you install Vista and I suspect
that is the version you are running and IMHO it is a better, more versatile app
than the more recent versions.

And...Windows Live Movie Maker could be downloaded and installed as a separate
app on a Vista system which is why I previously mentioned it.

The current version for Vista is Windows Movie Maker 2011...

The following link shows several versions and which version of Windows they run on.

Get Movie Maker
(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8)

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Several of the links that you sent me are relative to Windows 7 (only, I think).


Will these work under Vista, or only after you have upgraded from Vista to 7 ?


Will the latest version of Movie maler work with Vista or only with 7 ?


If it works with Vista, can it be installed separatelt from ver. 6, so that both versions

would be on my laptop, if I wanted to compare results ?


Is documentation avalaible for the ver. 6, or has that been "written over" by that for the latest version 2011.


Thank you



All the different versions can be confusing...I stay confused most of the time  :o)

The tutorial links are compatible with Vista Movie Maker 6, if you notice the screen
shots in the tutorials they say Windows Movie Maker and not Windows Live Movie

The most recent version of Movie Maker which is Movie Maker compatible
with Windows 7 and Windows 8.

If you want to try a later version, you could install Live Movie Maker 2011 and it should
run separately from your current version 6 (which IMHO is a better more versatile app).
By all means...create a System Restore point before installing it just in case..

If you go to the link I posted about Movie Maker versions you will find a link for Vista.

Here it is again...

Get Movie Maker
(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8)

Just a caution...if you create a project in Live Movie Maker 2011 it will not be compatible
with Movie Maker 6.

The following link is for an independent Movie Maker forum that may be worth a visit:

Movie Makers Forum
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Question Info

Last updated October 27, 2018 Views 1,938 Applies to: