How to remove dynDNS Internet Guide from my computer

 Please help.  Somehow dynDNS IG became "active" on my computer and I want to remove it. It is blocking access to simple streaming video sites such as YouTube or the videos.  I cannot find a "Windows Updater" client program in my programs (I do not recall downloading it either).  I cannot find "My Defense Plan" on my computer.  I tried the "sticky" removal procedure  (posted on ) below but that does not work for me.


1.Open the Control Panel (found from the Start menu)
2.Select Network Connections and then your current connection
3.Select Properties then Internet Protocol then Properties
4.Select Obtain DNS server address automatically
5.Select OK until you're back to the Network Connections window


When I go to my current wireless connection and go to TCP/IPv4 properties,  I see that I have already "selected" "Obtain DNS server address automatically".   (I believe that has never changed before or after dynDNS IG became "active" on my computer.)  The next lines for use the following DNS addresses are empty and "grayed" out.  I have also selected "obtain an IP address automatically".

So please help me remove dynDNS IG from my computer.  I just use my laptop for e-mail and simple surfing on the internet.  Thank you for your support.  Ozzie


Hi Ozzie,


Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Community Forums.


From the description, I understand that you are not able to disable “dynDNS Internet Guide” from your computer.


You may try the following steps to remove dynDNS Internet Guide.


To disable Internet Guide in Windows:

a. Open the DynDNS Updater for Windows.
b. Click the Advanced link to show the advanced settings.
c. Uncheck "Enable Internet Guide on this PC" and click on Apply. Internet Guide will be disabled.

You may find this program in: c:/program files/DynDNS Updater, and find the .exe to launch the program.


I would also suggest you to use a static IP to input the address manually.

Enter the IP addresses of your recursive DNS servers.


For reference:


Hope this information will help you.


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Question Info

Last updated September 6, 2024 Views 7,016 Applies to: