Windows Backup shadow copy timeout 0x81000101

I use Windows backup under Windows 7 Home Premium to back up my system to a WD 1TB external drive. Up until recently this has worked fine, but it has now started to fail. The backup gets to 7% complete in creating a shadow copy and then seems to stall. Eventually I get error code 0x81000101 saying the shadow copy has timed out. I've tried this several times and keep getting the same error.

In what may be an associated problem, I am also unable to shut down the system. The system goes into "shutting down" and then appears to stall. I think the system then goes into powersave, as eventually I get a log-in screen again and on doing so am told there has been an error as follows:

Problem signature:

 Problem Event Name:                       BlueScreen

 OS Version:                                         6.1.7600.

 Locale ID:                                            2057


Additional information about the problem:

 BCCode:                                              9f

 BCP1:                                                   00000004

 BCP2:                                                   00000258

 BCP3:                                                   857A2798

 BCP4:                                                   83160B24

 OS Version:                                         6_1_7600

 Service Pack:                                      0_0

 Product:                                              768_1

Any help would be welcome.


I have solved this problem, albeit only a workaround.  Reduce your planned backups and run them in batches.

The reason it fails is because shadow copies are being created and, if your backup is a very long list, it times out before it's finished with the shadow copying.  Another factor is whether you're using an external drive connected to USB 2.0 instead of USB 3.0.  USB 3.0 is 10 times faster than USB 2.0.  This can contribute to the error, but it depends on how large your backup is. 

So, do the backups in batches.  My best estimate of the maximum size for a single batch is 85GB (under USB 2.0).  Disclaimer: I have not searched for the biggest size before the timeout limit.

This assumes, of course, that you've applied all the other solutions outlined above.  But I believe the main problem is that timeout limit.

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Last updated December 29, 2023 Views 11,739 Applies to: