8.3 filename support

I am having a problem running a program that says it requires 8.3 filnename support, which it informas me I need to re-enable it.

I didn't have this problem in XP or Vista, it started when I upgraded to W-7. What do I need to do?


1. Which program is it?
2. What is the exact error message?
Here is how you enable the 8.3 file name:
a. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
b. Locate the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation value under the following key in the registry:


c. Double click on NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation. Type 0 for value data and then click OK.
d. Quit Registry Editor.
e. Restart the computer.

Thanks and Regards
Umesh P - Microsoft Support.

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Question Info

Last updated January 20, 2023 Views 9,069 Applies to: