In Windows releases through Windows Vista, clicking on a maximized window's title bar activates the window but does not resize the window [I believe this may be called "restore down"].
Beginning with Windows 7, if my mouse pointer is moving when I click a maximized window the Windows shell re-sizes the window as if it is beginning a "drag" operation. Perhaps when I click on the window, Windows 7 is erroneously firing a "double click" event (though I am absolutely not double-clicking (!))
This is very rarely what I want to do and is costing me a lot of time as I need to repeatedly "re"-maximize these [formerly] maximized windows.
The system in question has two monitors, which may make it somewhat more likely that I will click in the title bar of an inactive but maximized window, but this bug doesNOT involve executing any multiple-monitor functionality.
How can I disable or at least tune this annoying and time-consuming behavior?
For example, it would be acceptable to me if there were a pixel-based movement "threshold", as there has been with other UI elements. This might (for example) allow me to click on a maximized window while my mouse was moving slightly (just a few pixels) and still only activate the window, using a larger movement to begin a drag operation.
Even then I would prefer a "drag" operation to simply move the maximized window to another monitor, but Inever want to do a "restore down" when Isingle click on a title bar.
Wayne Erfling