All browser fonts are bold, italic & fonts within XL, Word wrong ..

Hello, I am desperate to find an solution... 

I have a brand new HP6604f, windows 7 (64bit) Home premium, full office 2010 pro . It all seemed to work Ok when fired up and after all the updates were done in EI fonts are all tiny, are most of them in italic. Tried on firefox and all fonts all bold, many are italic !

At the same time my XL, word, ..files have fonts that display ittalic and there is no way to get them back as not italic. THe format is shown as Regular ... the files are fine on my lap top and other PCs 

even typing this shows italic!

Thanks for your help!



I have done a complete system recovery, wiped everything out and restarted from scratch.All was fine in the browser, no issues with the fonts and their display.

Like for all new PC they come loaded with a bunch of j.... stuff i deleted all the things i won't subscribe to or use etc. .. One of them being PressReader from Newspaperdirect a digital press provider you can subscribe to. After i started from scratch i carefully checked the status of the browsers and fonts each time i uninstalled an unwanted software.

Sure enough once i uninstalled PressReader the font problem was back in the browsers and in my XL and word files. I started from scratch once again and this time did not uninstall Pressreader ... it works.

It is a shame that you actually have to keep stuff you did not ask for in the first place and you should be able to choose to keep it or not without it affecting your system. SO that solved my font problems & hope it won't happen again!

Thanks for everyones help!


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Question Info

Last updated December 17, 2024 Views 17,853 Applies to: