System and Compressed Memory Service High CPU Usage

I'm running on an x79 system board with 8 core 16 thread Xeon processor and 32 GBs of RAM and Windows 10 Build 10586.14 and this service/process takes upwards of 40% of my CPU.  It slows my system to a crawl then it will stop then start back up again.  I've rebuilt this machine from scratch a few times with the same results.  I'm looking for some help in trying to figure out why this process is taking up so much CPU time.

Thank you!

Here is the location to the Trace file:!1149&authkey=!AL-WVzf_ZT71_AI&ithint=file%2cetl

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In order to diagnose your problem we need to run Windows performance toolkit the instructions for which can be found in this wiki

If you have any questions feel free to ask

Please run the trace when you are experiencing the problem
Cat herder
Windows Insider MVP
MVP-Windows and Devices for IT

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I have the same problem, 8GB of ram approx half free, CPU pegged at 33% for at least 15 minutes but probably much longer by the new memory compression.

Shutdown all the apps had 1GB in use but still going nuts, turned off pagefile and no more problems.

You would think this would only kick in with memory presure but not what I saw here, had 4GB free memory. 

Build 586.14

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I am having the same problem.  Here is a link to the trace on my computer.!420295&authkey=!AHyePE3d1TFMk5Y&ithint=folder%2c

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I have a Core i7 Yoga 900 with 8GB RAM.

In my case, I'm trying to upload 3GB of files to OneDrive. Doesn't matter if I use Chrome or Edge, the browser memory usage creeps up higher and higher as the 400 files upload. Starting with memory usage around 350MB, I've seen it go over 2GB before crashing the browser, forcing me to restart the upload.

Meanwhile, "System and compressed memory" kicks in when the browser tops 500MB of RAM usage. It uses around 33% of CPU cycles and disk IO leaps to 30 - 90 MB/s for a time.

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I would love to try turning off the paging file, but, I use a Surface 3 with only 2 GB of memory... This problem bug is killing the Surface 3 performance to the point of complete uselessness...

Only thing I've found that helps is a complete shutdown (not restart)...

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One thing to try is turning off animations in settings. (Search Settings to locate it).

Doesn't fix the issue but makes it a lot less painful on the Surface 3.

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I have had same issue on a Lenovo x230 for sometime and I tried a few things and following are some of my observations:

  1. Disabled Pagefile and rebooted  - Process became normal less than 1%
  2. Reenabled pagefile (System Managed) - Process remained same (less than 1%) but CPU utlization went high after reboot.
  3. Disabled Pagefile and rebooted  - Process became normal less than 1%
  4. Reenabled pagefile (Manual - 4-8G) - Process remained same (less than 1%) but CPU utlization went high after reboot. Pagefile size remained at 4 GB.
  5. Disabled Pagefile and rebooted  - Process became normal less than 1%
  6. Reenabled pagefile (Manual - 2-4G)  - Process remained same (less than 1%) but CPU utlization went high after reboot. Pagefile size remained at 2 GB.
  7. Disabled Pagefile and rebooted  - Process became normal less than 1%
    • Hibernated the PC and restarted after a few minutes later - Process remained same (less than 1%).
    • Put the PC on Standby (Sleep) and restarted later - Process remained same (less than 1%).
    • Put the PC on Standby (Sleep) and let it hibernate as per policy - CPU utlization went high.
  8. Restarted with Pagefile still disabled - Process became normal less than 1%

    Note: For all the above cases, the RAM utilization is 3-4 GB plus 2-3GB of standby and thus 10-12 GB of Free memory on the 16GB system.  

    As per my limited understanding compressed memory takes precedence over pagefile and either:
    a. whenever the system feels that the free memory is lower than certain %age, it kicks in the memory compression routine to compress less used memory pages.
    b. periodically the system compresses the less used memory pages to provision for more free RAM (irrespective of available free memory at that point)
    If the free RAM is still less even after compression then pagefile on disk is used. 

    However, with the observations detailed above, it is evident that the compression routine is coming into action even when plenty of free RAM is available i.e. it is perhaps option b then. Further, its relationship with pagefile presence or absence is queer as its not supposed to come into use till RAM runs out for keeping compressed pages (since compression routine is from RAM to RAM OR it keeps a copy in pagefile too?). Also, "sleep leading to hibernation" having adverse effect as against sleep or hibernation is also very intriguing. 

    My current solution: As of now, I have reenabled the pagefile (2-8GB, it is still at 2 GB and 10-12 GB RAM is still free) but I have disabled sleep policy and instead enabled hibernation directly - seems to working fine for me for now - i.e. no high CPU usage. This I have tested across multiple reboots/ hibernates across 22 days now (as of 20th Jan 2016).

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I just deactivated animations now - I will report back with my findings... :)

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I should add that I was trying various workarounds for this bug/problem...

I was trying a total shutdown and that seemed to help occasionally, but, sometimes it did not so I no longer consider that a workaround...

I was also letting the computer start, idle for 15 minutes, then login, but, that too no longer seems to be a workaround because the cpu went high again overnight...

I'm pretty much disgusted at this point and am about to give up and accept that this problem will never be acknowledged or fixed... Pretty much makes my Surface 3 useless - what a effin waste of money... Really disgusted...

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Animations off did not help with the problem on my Surface 3... :(

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