DNS issues since upgrading to 8.1 - 'Resolving host' message.
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Hope this helps and if you need further assistance post and we will be glad to Help you.
The above opinion is mine and mine alone and doesn't necessarily reflect that of Microsoft, it's employees, or any other member of this forum.
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." -John Muir
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Guess many of the problems discussed here stem from the configuration of energy settings.
The new energy settings are not supported by all routers and therefore seam to lead to slow connectivity if activated. Furthermore the settings are often activated/not activated if you operate your laptop in battery mode or not!
My suggestion: Change the advanced power settings:
Wireless Adapater Settings:
On battery: High Performance
On Plugin: High Performance
At least that helped for me and seems to explain why no updates of MS have been posted on resolving the issue because it seems mainly a local (by far not straight forward) configuration issue.
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Question Info
Last updated February 8, 2020 Views 45,524 Applies to: