32-bit application fails to start after 8.1 upgrade, gives error 0xC000007B because of missing system DLLs.

I had been using "IBM Rational ClearQuest Client 7.1.2 for Windows" 32-bit application with Windows 8 Pro x64 without problems.

But after 8.1 upgrade the ClearQuest fails to start and gives error 0xC000007B, which indicates that there's a bad or missing DLL.

I used the Windows 8.1 ISO file from MSDN to do the upgrade and I've also installed the GA updates, but the problem remains the same.

The DependencyWalker reports that the clearquest.exe is missing six Windows 8.1 system DLLs:


First three of those files are located in SysWOW64\downlevel, but the 32-bit clearquest.exe is not able to find those DLLs. IESHIMS.DLL is located under WinSxS directory tree, but not available for 32-bit clearquest.exe

But API-MS-WIN-CORE-SHUTDOWN-L1-1-1.DLL and EXT-MS-WIN-NTUSER-UICONTEXT-EXT-L1-1-0.DLL can not be found at all from Windows 8.1 system!

This is very strange because SETUPAPI.DLL (in System32 and SysWOW64) depends on API-MS-WIN-CORE-SHUTDOWN-L1-1-1.DLL (checked with "dumpbin /imports" command)!

And D3D11.DLL depends on the missing EXT-MS-WIN-NTUSER-UICONTEXT-EXT-L1-1-0.DLL.

I've tried to install ClearQuest again but it didn't help. I've also used "sfc /verifyonly" command, but it reports that everyhing is OK.

I've checked two other Windows 8.1 systems that have also been upgraded from Windows 8 and those files are missing also in those systems.

Is it really so that there are system files missing from Windows 8.1 upgrades?



Hi everybody, just found something really interesting.

I've just got an quite old game and tried to play it on my win8.1update, then received 0xc000007b :-(

DependencyWalker told me the missing of six dlls and I just can't find some of those on web QAQ 

So I tried to play it on another laptop with XP and I was informed that there is something wrong with xinput1_3.dll

After downloading that dll (for 32-bit system) from the internet, the game works properly in XP :-)

And surprisingly, when I turn back to win8.1, replacing the original xinput1_3.dll of win8.1update with the downloaded one, the game miraculously starts to run!!!

I don't know why it works, but it does work.

For your reference.

Good Luck,


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I had problems with this API dll's missing with several 64 bit aplications

such as Magix video professional editor 2015 and Magix Samplitude 2015 along with

some programs from Native.

The solution for me was;

 Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013

Download link:


I reinstalled (repaired) these 2 files and all programs worked


Hopefully You experience the same!

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Question Info

Last updated February 21, 2023 Views 59,567 Applies to: