Download KB3035583 without using Windows Update?

Back in April, when the round of updates came out to implement the Windows 10 update scheme, I didn't let them install and hid them. Now I'm curious to see how it all works, so I went to unhide and update again. All of the updates that I'd hidden were there, except 3035583 - it seems to have vanished!

I went to the KB site, but it seems the only way it is available is through WU. Is there a standalone file I can download? Might it still be on my system somewhere? Or is there some way I can cajole WU to find it again?


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x86 / 32-bit:

Thanks a whole lot.  The machine running win7 Pro went wonky and had to do a repair and as a result the update I imagine went into cyberspace and of course MS Support was of no help and wanted to charge me for their assistance, so I fixed it myself like I've always done since Microsoft windows 3.0.

Your help is much appreciated.

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Question Info

Last updated July 16, 2024 Views 2,089 Applies to: