Slow internet on Surface Pro 4


My Surface pro 4 which I got from the Microsoft store, internet is running extremely slow.

When I log on it goes fast for about 20 seconds Then drops to a snails speed.

It Also makes all my other devices internet go slow as well.

If I shut down the surface pro 4 then the other devices internet is fast again.

I also have a surface pro 2 with windows 10 which also works fine.

Its just my pro 4? I tried the thing through regedit changing the value from 1 to 0 which didn't do anything.

Is this a hardware fault? Do I need to return it?



Run regedit to open the Registry Editor:

Navigate to the following key:


Look for the key called TxAMSDU.

Double click or tap on it.

Now modify its value from 1 to 0.

Exit the Registry Editor and restart your device.

I am NOT a Microsoft employee

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The latest Wi-Fi driver 15.68.9037.59 that was pushed out with the firmware updates earlier this week seems to have fixed the WiFi performance for me, plus a positive side effect is that battery life seems to be improved: I was getting about 3-4 hours before and now I'd say 4-5 hours. Still no where near the claimed battery life and I don't push the device hard. I suspect battery life is wrapped up in the power management improvements that are supposedly coming.

Anyway, I can at least use my device consistently now for the purpose it was intended. I had to keep using older PCs and switching to my iPad for Skype calls due to the WiFi issues.

I use an Asus RT-AC68U router on both 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands.

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Question Info

Last updated November 10, 2023 Views 173 Applies to: