Word 2013 - Keeps Switching from "Simple Markup" to "All Markup" - EndNote?

I'm working on a journal article in Word 2013.  I'm tracking changes and using comments to communicate with my advisor.  In the Review panel, I select "Simple Markup" but whenever I leave the document alone for a few minutes (sometimes in only 1 minute) it switches to "All Markup."  This happens whether I'm still in Word and simply haven't typed or touched anything or if I've switched to a different program.

I've read this problem may be linked to the EndNote add-on I'm using, but no one mentioned any solution besides disabling EndNote.  I'd really rather not disable the EndNote add-on; it's the standard reference manager for my lab and worked great until we began tracking changes and making comments.

Is it possible the solution could be caused by something else?  If the problem definitely is EndNote, is there any way to fix it?
You can install this tiny macro (see http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm if needed):

Sub SimpleMarkup()
   ActiveWindow.View.RevisionsFilter.Markup = wdRevisionsMarkupSimple
End Sub

and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 3,488 Applies to: