I have my CV (resume) and a covering letter. Neither has any pictures, just plain text. The file sizes in .docx, .doc or .rtf formats are 39, 76 and 171 KB respectively.
When I save as PDF, or export to PDF, the file size jumps to >400 KB, no matter which version I save/export from.
It's a fresh install of Office 2013 (365 University edition: I'm a researcher/teacher in a UK HEI). The file was imported from google drive where it was previously an openoffice formatted file.
The PDF appears to have quite a few fonts embedded - times new roman (which I was using accidentally for 2 white spaces, have now changed those), Symbol and Arial, which I'm not able to find at all in the document, and all the different styles of Callibri I'm using (bold, regular, italic) - each embedded twice with ansi and Identity-H encoding
I'm preparing for an interview and also writing another application right now, so I'm a bit up against it at the moment, and would greatly appreciate anyone's help on this!
Things I have tried:
- Saving the document as .docx, reopening, export and save as PDF
- Saving the document as .doc, reopening, export and save as PDF
- Saving the document as .rtf, reopening, export and save as PDF
- Ensured that track changes is off, and all meta information is not being saved (author, etc etc).
- Tried all of the above with checked and unchecked 'embed fonts' in the options menu
- Searching for the fonts I'm not using but that are listed in the properties of the PDF file when I look with Adobe Reader XI - I found two white spaces of Times New Roman which I changed to Callibri (which I'm using for the rest of the document). I couldn't find any instances of symbol or arial which were both listed in the PDF properties. Saving after this makes no difference to the pdf: all the fonts are still there, even though I'm not using them.
- Select-all change font to Callibri (after this, no change when I PDF, and when I select all the font box is still blank as though there are more fonts and it didn't in fact change them).
Searching on this is compounded because most people seem to be asking for fonts to be embedded, not trying to stop fonts being embedded in this way! Callibri was what I chose when I originally created the document in OpenOffice some years ago. I've since bought myself Office 2013 and would really like not to be sending ~1MB files for just 7 pages of plain text - that's going to look really bad on a job application!!!!
Thanks in advance for your help!!