Utilisation de word et excel,


Les Lors de l'utilisation de mots et Excel, m'on m'indique qu'il ya Problème non.

Que Dois-je faire?

PS fonctionne Outlook.


See the Article “Why can’t I start my Office 2013 application at:


If that does not help, then you might remove all traces of the Office installation by downloading the fixit from the following article:


saving it to your computer and then running it.

Then reinstall Office by logging into
www.office.com/myaccountwith your registered email address and click Install Office.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
It's time to replace ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion’ with ‘Excellence, Opportunity & Civility’ - V Ramaswamy

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Dernière mise à jour 5 octobre 2021 Affichages 52 S’applique à :