Table columns - how to format a whole column

I want to create a table and have one or more columns be centred + have other formatting (like bold)

BUT... I want to apply the formatting AND have future rows created have the same properties

This is impossible to do

I've spent ages

The interface is really clunky

I can change properties of a whole column - but then future rows dont carry on the property set for centred

What am I doing wrong?




When I edited your document in Word, (NOT Word Online) and left clicked above the first column to select it and then formatted that column so that the text is center aligned, when I then tabbed in the last cell of the last row of the table to add a new row, first cell in that row is formatted so that the text is center aligned.  I saved the document back to the folder.

I do note however, that if I add a row to the table by editing it in Word On-Line, then the formatting of the column is NOT respected.  That is a failing of Word On-Line and is another reason that it is suitable for nothing much more than very minor editing or reading documents.  It is definitely not suitable for use as a document development tool.

If you are working with a table in a document that is opened with Word on your computer, you will find that the formatting applied to cells in the last row of a table is also applied to a new row that is added by tabbing when in the last cell of the last row.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 942 Applies to: