Saw this posted before but no resolution given (I saw a resolution involving document protection but trying that just broke stuff worse), feel free to point me to an existing solution if there is one.
I created a document in Word 2010. It is basically a guided process document: a few pages of text, then the ActiveX checkboxes which call some VB script that toggles blocks of text later in the document, between being formatted as hidden or not. Short story, I want the document to guide users through a set of tasks, with different tasks being relevant or not relevant depending on the input in those checkboxes.
Word 2010: works great, saves us acres of time every time we need to do this task!
Word 2013: initially works great but after selecting some of the checkboxes then scrolling through the document and returning to the checkboxes, they no longer work. The dotted-box outline of the checkbox object is "normal" (faint dotted line) when it's working, and looks like the developer mode boundary when it is not working (darker dotted line with boxes on the corners). If you close the document (with or without saving) OR toggle into developer mode then back out, the checkboxes work again for a while but break again.
The code behind the checkbox is very basic:
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = False Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("BK_text1").Range.Font.Hidden = True
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Bk_text1").Range.Font.Hidden = False
End If
End Sub
One routine per checkbox and each calling a different bookmark.
I understand from other posts that the ActiveX controls will be deprecated at some point in the future but they are not yet deprecated (that I know of) as I can still create new ones, so I would really like to make this work. I can always recreate the document using a different control but it's about 90 pages long, very complex, lots of boxes and bookmarks--- not a small undertaking and I need to be able to use this doc in 2010 and 2013 in the mean time.
Also I know it is not my instance of Word because I've used multiple machines to test, and also it is not the doc itself because I created a brand new one which is much shorter and exhibits the same behavior. The only thing copied from old doc to new is the snip of code above.
Any takers?