This is the simple code I have in Excel. The problem is that the new document at the end only shows one record in a multi-label list.
I can fix this in the old document by hitting the "Update Labels" button and/or "Preview Results" button. I have tried all kinds of solutions, including Sendkeys Alt M and then B or P but none of these solutions works.
There used to be an old WordBasic command that would propagate the labels, but I thought that it no longer worked in Word 2013; however I have checked this morning and it does in fact still work, so you could use
to do the job of duplication in place of
Set oRng = oTable.Cell(1, 1).Range
oRng.End = oRng.End - 1
For i = 2 To oTable.Range.Cells.Count
If oTable.Range.Cells(i).Width = oTable.Cell(1, 1).Width And _
oTable.Range.Cells(i).Height = oTable.Cell(1, 1).Height Then
Set oCell = oTable.Range.Cells(i).Range
oCell.End = oCell.End - 1
oCell.FormattedText = oRng
oCell.Collapse 1
oCell.Fields.Add oCell, 41, , False
End If
Next i
Graham Mayor (Microsoft Word MVP 2002-2019) For more Word tips and downloads visit my web site
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