Send macros from word 2013 to word 2010

I created a few macros in word 2013. I tried emailing a word doc containing the macros to a co-worker who is on word 10. The macros didn't go thru. I then put the doc in a common drive we share but the macros didn't appear.

Is there a way to send macros from word 2013 to word 2010.


By default, macros are disabled unless you place the document in a trusted location such as the Startup folder or the user templates folder.

Also, make sure that the file where you saved the macros is actually macro-enabled (*.docm for documents and *.dotm for templates).

Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
Volunteer Moderator
MS 365, Win 11 Pro
Note that I do not work for Microsoft
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There's no particular reason that Word 2010 can't use macros from Word 2013, but there are several possible pitfalls.

In Word 2013, did you save the document as a Macro-Enabled (*.docm) file? If not, then the macros would not be saved in the file -- but you would have seen a warning message about that.

On the computer with Word 2010, make sure the document is stored in a folder that's marked as a Trusted Location (or store it in any folder and then make that folder trusted). To do that, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Locations.

There are some email servers that will prevent mailing a macro-containing document, but they usually just remove the entire attachment file -- removing just the macros while keeping the rest of the document is far outside what email programs should attempt to do. At any rate, sharing the drive would have gotten around that.

As a last resort (because it's more work than should be necessary), you can export the macros' code to a *.bas file in Word 2013 and then import that file into a new document in Word 2010. In the macro editor, right-click the module containing the macros, choose Export, and give a name and location for the file. Copy the file (which is plain text) to the other computer and reverse the process, choosing Import in the right-click menu.

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 957 Applies to: