Over the years, I've been using several versions of Word and the phonetic guide always worked fine. Now, with 2013 I found that most of the time when I select a phrase with kanji to add furigana (the hiragana reading above the kanji), not only adds hiragana to the kanji, it adds hiragana above the hiragana itself as well, which is meaningless and makes me lose a lot time deleting that useless part. For example:
If I write 助け合う it contains two kanji: 助 and 合, the remaining two are writen in hiragana, which is the basic reading. So, in previous versions of Word when I selected that word I got:
たす above 助, け(Nothing above it), あ above 合, う(Nothing above it).
In 2013 what I get is:
たす above 助, け(け above け), あ above 合, う(う above う).
The red O is the right procedure to show the furigana, the X is the wrong procedure that occurs with 2013.
Is there any way to fix this?