I am unable to open Word or Excel Files via Explorer
I am running Windows 8, Office 2013 Professional Plus and I am having the following problems:
1. I originally installed Office 2013 x64 but needed Visio which is not supported on x64
2. I uninstalled x64 and installed Office 2013 Professional Plus x86
3. I continue to have the following problem:
- If I double click on a Word file in Explorer I get the error message " Microsoft 15.0 Sorry, something went wrong and Word was unable to start (24) and sometimes the file opens and sometimes it doesn't. The error always appears.
- If I right click on the file and click Open the file opens without the error
- If I double click on an Excel file I get the following error: "Not enough memory to run Microsoft Excel. Please close other applications and try again"
- If I right click on the file and click open the file opens and then the error appears
I have tried the following
- Uninstall / reinstall - I even manually cleaned the registry files and am still getting the error
- The Fix it as recommended in other posts
- Manually removed all files / folders of previous Office 2013 install prior to installing a new version
This is a brand new laptop and I am also running Office 365.
Please help this is very annoying.