import scan direct to w13

Not a question, I know the answer! We can no longer insert a scanned pic direct into word! This is not an improvement, it makes life complicated! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your nether parts! A simple clear response is called for to the questions; WHY NOT and; When are you going to bring it back?? off to use openoffice!

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See the following page of fellow MVP Graham Mayor's website:

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
It's time to replace ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion’ with ‘Excellence, Opportunity & Civility’ - V Ramaswamy

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Hi Doug
Thanks for your reply, I have seen that, also the One Note route, bith involve a lot of fiddling about, especially if there are a few computers to sort. Whatever was wrong with the insert scan function? I note that you didn't reply to the specific simple questions,: Why take the function out, When are you going to replace it in an update. If you don't know perhaps you could ask Bill?

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I don't work for Microsoft and AFAIK neither does Bill.
Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - MVP Office Apps & Services (Word)
It's time to replace ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion’ with ‘Excellence, Opportunity & Civility’ - V Ramaswamy

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Reply In reply to deleted message
Sorry for the misunderstanding, presumed that the thoughts of the "community" would be monitored and answered by a Microsoft professional, in the interests of customer satisfaction and product development rather than product degradation.
I now know what MVP means, thanks for your time and effort. My complaint is not directed at you, but at the corporation and, what appears to normal mortals to be, it's whimsical outlook on what we find useful in our ways of working. Maybe one day the thread will be read and replied to by someone who can influence matters.

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Yes, there are a few "softies" who monitor the forum. We see replies from "real" softies to specific technical questions maybe every other month or so.  In other words, it is a valid question, but it will never be answered by a softie.

Why this "improvement" <heavy sarcasm>?

The typical response is that they (MS) have collected usage statistics  and they can "prove" that "no-one" used that feature.  That is the basic excuse for the ribbon gooey. 

I just watched the video on this page:

It's just under 1.5 hours. I found it quite informative. It explains a lot of the (ir)rational behind the Ribbon design, including the name by the Manager in charge of it's development (not that I agree with it all...).  The slides download just don't tell the story.


This alternate source to the Jensen Harris blog is an organized Table Of Contents to a large collection of links to MS Dev Team Blogs about the design and building of the 2007 ribbon. A LOT of reading, but interesting to understand the underlying (il)logic of the Ribbon

alternate source

As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers –
so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people.
Prof. Doug Fisher

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thanks but no I wont be going to look, I have things to do, hence need for direct scan to document to save time. I volunteer for a charity, some staff do office work from home and its useful to scan and send invoices to the book keeper etc.
will carry on using the function in OpenOffice, as I did this morning for a form I had to sign and return.

I appreciate the <heavy sarcasm>!

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The 'fiddling about' has already been done for you. Add the macro from my web site to a template and use it as an add-in - job done.
Graham Mayor (Microsoft Word MVP 2002-2019)
For more Word tips and downloads visit my web site

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Last updated April 11, 2024 Views 69 Applies to: