February 11, 2025
Charles Kenyon - Stefan Blom - Suzanne S. Barnhill - Bob Jones AKA: CyberTaz - Jim_ Gordon ✅
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I wont to put an if statement in a word doc but it keeps coming up syntax error
my cell ref is D14 and this is what I put my formula in as
=IF(D14>8000,D14*2%,"") what am I doing wrong ?
Assuming that you want the result to be 2% of the amount in D14 if it is greater that 8000, you need to use
{ IF { =D14 } > 8000 { = D4*0.02 } "" }
You must use CTRL+F9 to insert each pair of field delimiters
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Or you could forego the IF test and, instead, use:
{=(D14>8000)*D14*.02 \# "0;;"}