How to put page break automatically after every Sentence ?? help :(

Hi , can anybody please tell me How  do i put settings in  the word 2013 document that it , puts page break after every single sentence.

This is my project and the text is huge , i have been doing this since yesterday and almost crying, can anybody help me and tell me how to put page break after every line in a document , it has thousands of lines.

let me elaborate:

                         i am trying to create outline of all the text present in that document , on left side of word, i selected all text and converted it into heading 1 or 2 , just so that it can come in the outline section.

my question is does this means i have to put page break after every sentence ?

i want each sentence e to be sperate entity in the Outline , 

now how do i do this on a already written Document ?...

You first mention "every sentence", then "every line". What do you actually want - a page break after every

  1. paragraph
  2. sentence
  3. line
Best wishes, HansV

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Create a paragraph style with the Page Break Before paragraph format attribute and set the following style option to the same style. Every time you press the enter key, be it after a sentence or a paragraph, Word will start a new page.

Graham Mayor (Microsoft Word MVP 2002-2019)
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its sentence which ends with a dot.  

                         i am trying to create outline of all the text present in that document , on left side of word, i selected all text and converted it into heading 1 or 2 , just so that it can come in the outline section.

my question is does this means i have to put page break after every sentence ?

i want each sentence e to be sperate entity in the Outline , 

now how do i do this on a already written Document ?...

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Create a paragraph style with the Page Break Before paragraph format attribute and set the following style option to the same style. Every time you press the enter key, be it after a sentence or a paragraph, Word will start a new page.

Thanks  but 

let me elaborate 

                         i am trying to create outline of all the text present in that document , on left side of word, i selected all text and converted it into heading 1 or 2 , just so that it can come in the outline section.

my question is does this means i have to put page break after every sentence ?

i want each sentence e to be seperate entity in the Outline , 

now how do i do this on a already written Document ?...

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Try this - if it goes wrong you can always undo it (Ctrl+Z):

Press Ctrl+Home to go to the start of the document.

Press Ctrl+H to activate the Replace dialog.

In the 'Find what' box, enter a period (dot) followed by a space (i.e. ". " but without the quotes).

In the 'Replace with' box, enter a period followed by ^m (i.e. ".^m" without the quotes).

Click 'Replace All'.

Change the 'Find what' text to a period followed by ^p (i.e. ".^p" without the quotes).

Click 'Replace All'.

Change the 'Find what' text to a period followed by ^l (i.e. ".^l" without the quotes; l is lower case L).

Click 'Replace All'.

Best wishes, HansV

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Lets summarize.

You want to create an "outline".

That is usually / "best" done by using Word built in heading styles (which you have done).

The "left side" of the Word window is probably the "Navigation Pane". It was formerly known as the "Document Map" (you can search for more information about it using that name). It normally displays text with heading styles. Sometimes it shows "normal" body text when Word automation "guesses" it is a heading (very annoying). It displays the start of each heading line. 

If you you want each "sentence", that ends with a period, to be a separate heading you will have to change them into "paragraphs" by adding a "paragraph" mark / "enter" after each sentence.  For an existing document you can do this using the find and replace technique that Hans described.

You want each heading to be the start of a separate page?  Is that true, or do you simply want each heading to be its own "entity"?

The best way put each heading on its own page is to apply the "Page Break Before" paragraph attribute that Graham described to each heading style. After doing that when you view the document in Page Layout, or print it, each heading will be on it's own page.

The Navigation Pane, and Outline view allow you to do much more than just look at the outline.

I use "Outline View" rather than the navigation pain because you can see the whole heading line, not just a stub.

Here are some links about them:

How to use the Document Map in Microsoft Word

The Navigation Pane

Outline Levels and the Document Map

Changing Outline Structure

Collapse or expand parts of a document

Navigating Your Document Using Outline View

Changing Outline Structure

NOTE: In it's infinite wisdom MS decided to remove the Outline View button from the status bar in Word 2013. BUT, 2013 does still have Outline view.  You can

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Last updated September 2, 2024 Views 12,067 Applies to: