How to open word 97-2003 document in 2013

Hi all

I recovered a word document that had been deleted accidently by using a software called icare Data Recovery. Then I looked at the files extension and saw that it was a word 97-2003 document and I thought that's odd, because I had created it as word 2013 word document (.docx). The program that I used to recover it had a feature to "detect all word documents" and it since being a very old program had changed the file type to a word 97-2003 document (.DOC) I then I tried to open it with word 2013 and then it said "Microsoft word cannot open this file because it is an unsupported file type". I tried opening with my other computer which has word 2007 on it and it said that The document cannot be opened because the document was created in a newer version of word. After that I tried opening it with word pad and it opened. It displayed all the text but all the images weren't displayed normally, instead they were long lines of text. At the bottom of the document it said "word. Document.12"Oh and I also tried using the format converter to see if I could change the format into word 2007 and then it said "the converter failed to save the file. Please help me, I worked on that assignment for 3 straight days. Thanks in advance for all your help.






It's almost impossible to know what the old recovery program did to the file, but here are some things to try:
  1. In Windows Explorer, make a copy of the file and use the Rename command to change its extension from .DOC to .DOCX. (Probably the recovery program was written before Microsoft invented the .DOCX extension, so it used the .DOC extension instead.) Try opening that file in Word 2013.
  2. In  Word 2013, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Options > File Block Settings. Uncheck all the boxes in the Open column and click OK in each dialog. Then try to open the file.
  3. If neither of those steps worked, either send a copy of the file to my email address (which you can find at or put a copy on a file sharing site such as SkyDrive or DropBox, and post or send the link to it. I'll try to get it working.

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Last updated April 22, 2024 Views 36,166 Applies to: