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Windows Server
March 5, 2025
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Windows Client for It Pros
Windows Server
March 10, 2025
Word Top Contributors:
How to jump to a specific page number in office 2013?
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in the name of ALLAHin the name of ALLAHhello everyone. I've just installed office 2013. when clicking on the page number (the downside left corner) it doesn't go to my desired page. in fact it didn't show any option to go any specific page. but I used to do so in MS O 2010 and it would go to the desired page. now my question is that how do i do it?
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there is not any picture manager software as it was in MS O 2010. is there any way to have it in this version?
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I checked the add-ins and found none that hijacked my Ctrl + G. I then went to Word Options > Customize Ribbon > Keyboard Shortcuts and found the answer: Ctrl + G was assigned to the AddDigitalSignature command and not to the GoTo command.
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Question Info
Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 15,606 Applies to: