Can't use Microsoft Equation 3.0 on Word 2013 and Click-to-Run crash

When I try to insert a Microsoft Equation 3.0 in Word 2013, I get the following message:

"The program used to create this object is Equation. That program is either not installed on your computer or it is not respond. To edit this object, install Equation or ensure that any dialog boxes in Equation are closed."

I have tried installing the compatibility pack and then repairing office, as suggested in however, when I attempt to repair, Office Click-to-Run crashes !! These are the error details:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    OfficeClickToRun.exe
  Application Version:    15.0.4631.1004
  Application Timestamp:    53ca11f1
  Fault Module Name:    MSVCR100.dll
  Fault Module Version:    10.0.40219.1
  Fault Module Timestamp:    4d5f034a
  Exception Code:    40000015
  Exception Offset:    00000000000761c9
  OS Version:    6.3.9600.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    6abc
  Additional Information 2:    6abc9d0117935089259ae1a4e0d919a1
  Additional Information 3:    589b
  Additional Information 4:    589b28ac58e9266c544555aca10fa4bc

I just wanted to use Equation 3.0 and ended up finding 2 problems I can't get rid off! Please help.


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Hi Cristian,


Let us start Word in application safe and then try inserting equations and check how it works.

To do that, press the ‘Windows + R’ key on the keyboard.

In the Run open box type in ‘Winword /safe’ and hit ok.

Note: There is a space between Winword and /.


If application safe works, you may disable the Add-ins associated with the application and check if it helps. For more information on the same, refer to the following link.


If issue persists, you may repair the Office 2013 installation and check if it helps in resolving the issue.


Follow the steps and let us know if that helps. If the issue persists, reply and we will be happy to help you.


Thank you.

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I was attempting to use Equation 3.0 for the first time this summer earlier today.  The exact same issues that Christian experienced happened to me.  The same problem showed up in application safe that occurred earlier.  If I attempt to repair the Office 2013 installation, Office Click-to-Run crashes.  Has anyone determined a solution to this problem?

Equation 3.0 is GREAT.  I would not like to lose the ability to edit hundreds of old documents.


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One hour ago new update of Word 2013 was installed and I lost Equation Editor 3.0. The same story took place some time ago but new update changed situation. How long should I suffer because of these strange "experiments"?

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On my system, Microsoft Equation 3 is working even after the most recent updates (both click-to-run and traditional MSI). Which specific version (release number) of Office are you using? Is this a click-to-run or MSI installation?
Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
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MS 365, Win 11 Pro
Note that I do not work for Microsoft
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My work was offering Microsoft Office 13 at a discounted price earlier this year.  I downloaded it from the linked site (March 14?).  Equation 3.0 worked great right up until the end of June.  I did not attempt to use it again until yesterday, when I had the aforementioned problems.

The current version is 15.0.4631.1004

When I installed it, I most likely chose a traditional installation (if that option was given....I do not remember)

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Please find enclosed detailed information about my computer, Windows and Office. I use HP EliteBook 8570w with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with SP1. I use Office 365 four years long subscription. At the very end of December 2013 I downloaded exe file and installed it. Current version is 15.0.4641.1003 It worked without problems till the end of July. When I tried to edit some equations on 13 August instead of Equation Editor 3.0 (EE3) I had this strange and infamous message. One day later new upgrade was installed and problem disappeared. Yesterday there was next upgrade and I lost once more EEC. I am absolutely sure it is because of errors in upgrade. When I lost EE3 for the first time I looked into Microsoft Office 15 directory. Instead of EQNEDT32.EXE file I had BAK file. After upgrade from 14 August EXE file appeared. After yesterday’s upgrade there is no EXE file.

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Actually, most Office installations are click-to-run these days. Do the following to find out: In Word, click File tab | Account. If you see an Update Options button, then you have a click-to-run version. To manually install the most recent update, click File tab | Account | Update Options | Update Now.

Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
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MS 365, Win 11 Pro
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I do not think I should know differences between Click to Run and MSI versions in order to edit equations. But after many many years spent with computers and applications as university profesor I do understand what does in mean upgrade. According to MS Office information I have the definitely last version of Office. Sorry, screenshot is in Polish...

wszystko = everything, aktualne = actual

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In order to answer on your question I have of course Update Options button. The picture I attached was a result of Update Now button. But this knowledge does not change my situation. EE3 is still not present and I have to make some changes in equations...

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It's just that click-to-run and MSI have slightly different version numbers, which is why it is necessary to figure out which is which. Anyway, based on your reply, there is no doubt in my mind that you have the most recent version. I'm afraid I can't explain what is causing the problem with Microsoft Equation 3 in your installation.

Sometimes it may help to restart the Office click-to-run process (using the Task Manager).       
Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
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MS 365, Win 11 Pro
Note that I do not work for Microsoft
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Last updated August 30, 2022 Views 3,769 Applies to: