When I am working in word, and I try to access the dictionary (which I have always been able to do), the computer says I must be signed in to access the dictionary, and it shows a little yellow triangle with an ! in it beside my name, indicating such. Although it shows my name, it says I am not signed in. I cannot use the dictionary, nor when I hit the sign in button, it fails to connect. A white box pops up (with no script in it), and the blue working or thinking stripe that moves across the screen is there, and then it just closes. My internet connection is fine. Occasionally, it will go to the free dictionaries that are offered, and then when I click on that, it says We are having trouble connecting to the online store to get you a free premium dictionary, please try again later. Later has been for three months now... I have had not trouble in the past with this, until the last few months. I'm not sure why I cannot access anything now. Please help, I am frustrated!
Cannot access the free premium dictionary in Word 2013
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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 673 Applies to: