Bug in Farsi Citation

Hi. I have a problem with Microsoft word 2013 on Windowa7 64bit. My language is Farsi. When I insert citation from library that I defined in Word, the software automatically use "," instead "،". How can I fix that? For example, below I wrote tow wrong and true citations.

Best regards.

Sample of a citation that Word automatically use "," stead of "،" and it's wrong:

این متن به عنوان نمونه نوشته شده است (اسلامی 1372, 310).

Correct form of citation in Persian that I cited manually:

 این متن به عنوان نمونه نوشته شده است (اسلامی 1372، 310).

Has it ever worked before?

Which citation style are you using?

I would recommend you post in Arabic forum.

Although Farsi and Arabic are different, the logic should be the same.

Marcus DAlmeida

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I saw someone in word 2007 cited correctly a Persian text. But when I export my files in that format (.doc) the smart texts convert to plain text. Therefore my problem steel remain. I use APA.

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Hi Marcus and thanks for your attention. I think it is a bug in Microsoft Word. I expressed this problem in "http://superuser.com/questions/872296/persian-citation-in-microsoft-word?answertab=votes#tab-top" and a expert user help me solve my problem with an alternative. But I think it is a problem that should have an innersolution. Do you know anyway that I can report this subject to Microsoft?

Thanks again.

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I realize that this is a lot of work to go to just to work around a bug, but it is possible to create a custom bibliography style that corrects this error. You have to edit an XML file. You should be able to use the existing APA style and modify it. Here is the MSDN page that explains how the process works: How to Build a Custom Bibliography Style
Author of "OOXML Hacking - Unlocking Microsoft Office's Secrets", ebook now out
John Korchok, Production Manager

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Hi John and many thanks for your reply. In the Microsoft Word 2010, this problem doesn't exist. It use "," and "،" smartly. Unfortunately Word 2013 doesn't difference between them. Modifying a new style is a second action. The link I put above is where someone expert create a costume bibliography for this issue. But I think since in word 2010 this problem doesn't exists, also it could not exist in Word 2013.

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 194 Applies to: