I have an Excel file with 100 records. I would like to create address labels, using the Excel records, in a Word document.
I create the labels (Avery 5161) and connect the Excel file. Of course, I populate the document with the fields, so that the labels look like:
«Fname» «Lname»
The label to the right (second label, counting across) looks like:
«Next Record»«Fname» «Lname»
Each preceeding label is the same as the second. This takes up one page.
When I run the merge, though, the first page is correct; then I go to the second page. The first label on the second page is the same as the second label on the first page. The first label on the third page is the same as the second label on the second page, and so on.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.