Word: changing the bottom rule on the 1st page of a 2 page table, then a different bottom rule on another table in the same document?

Long three column table breaking to next page, how do I choose where to break it and fit my bottom rule where I want it on the first page?

Another question:

How can I change the bottom margin on my 2 page table, then change the bottom margin on another 2 page table. When I do this, it changes the previous table's bottom margin to match. Why are they all connected???? UGH!!!! 

A section in Word means the whole document unless someone has added one or more section breaks (Page Layout tab | Breaks). In a single section, you can have up to three different headers, and three different footers; you accomplish that by selecting "Different first page" and "Different odd and even" on the Header & Footer Tools Design tab.

In a document with multiple sections, you can unlink headers and footers from their "neighbors" of the same type in the preceding section. Each type of header (footer), that is, first page, even page, or odd page, must be unlinked separately.

For "everything" on section formatting, take a look at http://word.mvps.org/faqs/formatting/workwithsections.htm; the general rules apply although the content hasn't been updated for the most recent versions of Word.

For assistance with creating a front matter in Word 2007 or later, see http://word.mvps.org/faqs/formatting/front_matter_2007.htm.

[Edit: corrected a typo]
Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
Volunteer Moderator
MS 365, Win 11 Pro
Note that I do not work for Microsoft
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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 164 Applies to: