I have vertical scroll bars enabled in Word 2010. Note that I am NOT asking about how to enable vertical scroll bars.
In Print Layout view with more than one page viewed at a time, dragging the vertical scroll bar does nothing except show a small page indicator as shown in the screenshot below. In other words, when scrolling vertically with the scroll bar, the pages actually displayed in the document window do not change and I cannot quickly scan through the document nor see where I am scrolling to. This is very annoying. This does not happen in Draft view or in Print Layout view when only one page is viewed at a time.
I've noticed that this Print Layout view problem occurs in previous versions of Word as well. Can anyone confirm that this is a permanent "feature" in Word? Is there any way to change this? It seems completely pointless and similar document views in other programs --such as "two page scrolling" in Adobe Acrobat-- do not have this problem. What is the rationale? Thanks for any help.