The "Auto complete" file names shortcut associated with opening a Word document has stopped working.

* Until about a month ago - whenever I would Open a Word document - typing the first few letters of its file name - would result in the blank field momentarily turning into a drop-down suggestion list of available documents in a targeted folder - adjusting itself with each succeeding letter.  It was a great shortcut, especially for documents with long file names.

* For example, if I wanted to open a document with a long file name, e.g., "poster inventories and frames.docx," I didn't have to type every word to open it.  Word 2010 used to "auto-suggest" the names of documents already in the targeted folder.  I would see suggested documents available in a drop down box - and I would highlight it in blue with my arrow keys and ENTER, and instantly access it.

* It was like visiting a search engine that suggests words as you type, but occurring within Microsoft Word's "open file" function to access documents in a targeted folder.  ( BTW, I'm not talking about the Recent Documents function which lists frequently opened files.  The behavior I'm describing applied to any document I'd try to open in a target folder, regardless of when it was last modified/viewed/created.)  Have searched everywhere for an answer and have come up empty, nothing about this in the Word Options or Word Help sections of Word 2010.  Perhaps there is an add-on that could cover this short-cut.  Any ideas? 


Best, David in San Diego.


Stefan - there is a great reason you are an MVP Community Moderator.  Your reply, however brief, gave me the clues I needed to find a solution!

"AutoComplete suggestions in the Open dialog box aren't specific to Word (or Office). My guess is that this is controlled by settings in Windows."

Instead of re-posting my question to a Windows Forum - your response above encouraged me to use a web search engine - with the search words, "enable windows 7 auto complete file name."

The solution links were everywhere, thanks to you correctly saying the auto-complete function in an Open Dialog box is NOT SPECIFIC to Word or Office.

For others who might be reading this thread, here is the solution.  It involves ADDING just a couple of things to the registry.  If you're understandably nervous about modifying the registry, do not do this.  I decided to try it because the fix only involved two lines associated with a non-critical function of Windows.

1) Click Windows 7 Start button, type regedit, and click the regedit.exe shortcut appears atop of Start menu.

2) Locate this Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > AutoComplete

3) In the right-pane, double-click the Append Completion value and change it from "no" to "yes".  Then double-click the AutoSuggest value and also change it from "no" to "yes".

4) If one or both values are not visible in the right-pane - you can easily create them by right clicking the AutoComplete folder in the registry - select "New" and select "String Value" that will then show up in the right-pane as a "REG-SZ" value. Name the missing value accordingly as "AutoSuggest" or "Append Completion".

* Setting "Append Completion" to "yes" will automatically append or complete the file name as you type, presuming the folder you're searching has a file that matches the initial letters you type of the file name.

* Likewise, setting "AutoSuggest" to "yes" will automatically suggest a list of files in the target folder that matches the initial letters you type of the file name.

* This will restore the Auto Complete function in the "Open dialog" bos AND the "Save As" dialog box.

As I say, Stefan, your declaration that Auto Complete suggestions specific to the Open dialog box is not specific to Word - (presumably except in the case of editing an already open document) - and that this shortcut is likely controlled by the Windows settings was spot on.  Thanks again!

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AutoComplete suggestions in the Open dialog box aren't specific to Word (or Office). My guess is that this is controlled by settings in Windows. Have you tried asking in a Windows forum?

There is a Knowledge Base article at (but note that it was created for an older version of Windows).

Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
Volunteer Moderator
MS 365, Win 11 Pro
Note that I do not work for Microsoft
Please specify Word version & OS in your question

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Last updated January 5, 2023 Views 3,140 Applies to: