Nayana. Thanks for getting involved but you might be regretting it when I tell you what happened. What happened in the usual story: Fresh and with unlimited time today, with painstaking little step by little step and with above average intelligence coupled
with endless hours and diligence to teach myself what "regedit" means and how it all works, it's frustrating when things aren't clearly explained and/or they seem to be wrong and/or I just should understand things better.
For a start, I somehow doubt that the problem does lie in things like "rename the or normal.dotm global template file" (a phrase to freeze the brains of 99%, or is it just me ?!). Am I not thick ? getting bogged down in minutiae like that when
else something simple is available eg buy a new copy of Word ?
Anyway, I must be a bit thick because commands given in the instructions aren't recognised even when I cut and paste then straight into the command menu. It's Word 2010 that I have (Windows 7) so I enter "cmd" into the search box and then paste the massive
instruction next to "Users: Charles>" only to be told "Nope ! we don't recognise that instruction".
That happened both when trying to rename the normaldot and when trying to disable the startup.
Is there something that I should know about ? eg when it says to enter
ren %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm OldNormal.dotm
it doesn't actually mean what it says.
Being faced with C:Users\Charles>" on the page already might mean that I should just have started with "AppData\Roaming" but that didn't work either.
The answer's probably simple and obvious to you. It's the sort of thing that leaves people like me pulling our hair out.
I've started so I'll finish. No matter how long it takes. Usually it's just me making stupid mistakes.
Meanwhile, I did do the first two of the things on the list, burrowing down into the data registry key and deleting 'options' and deleting 'data', and I did copy them into somewhere safe first (Why ? they both popped back uninvited of their own accord anyway
I'm going to slog away if anyone kind enough like you steps forward to help. I want to educate myself. I'll get there in the end. Even just knowing how to phrase questions to you is quite a difficult thing to do. I'm longwinded so that things are as
clear as I can make them.
In short: Why doesn't exact entering of the command deliver the goods ?
And is this sort of glitsch a bit like what happened with my printer ? when it didn't work, I spent a day or two on the phone with someone going right left and centre and getting us both up a gum tree whereas in fact deleting and reloading the printer
driver solved it at a stroke. My version of Office wasn't the one with a CD so I don't know if I even have that option. And someone elsewhere with a similar problem said that reloading didn't do them any good (and took an age).
Luckily I don't need to use Word very often so I can afford to muddle around for ages.
But plodding through it all, getting stuck with the easiest of things such as entering commands (what's up with the " %profile%" bit of the command, for example ? is that where I'm going wrong ?!").
Thanks in anticipation when you are ready.