Hi Peter,
Thanks for the help
1. The drop down box for the names (I’ll call it Box 1) is a drop down list content control. Not a combo box or legacy
2. The kind of text box that i would like it to auto fill (I’ll call it
Box 2), at the minute is again a drop down list, the same as the first.
3. All the info is currently stored in an excel document.
For a bit more background; this form will be used for tracking annual leave. A number of employees are on a Microsoft excel (2010) database. The database contains their names, start dates, annual leave entitlement and annual leave remaining for the
current year.
What we would like to do is make a form (which is the word document) with this drop down box for their names. Once they select their names the information from the excel document populates the respective fields in the form, they can fill in the other
relevant information and send it to an outlook mailbox for approval by their line managers.
The next step from there is to find out if the form can automatically update the Microsoft outlook calendar associated with that mailbox once it has been approved to show where the annual leave is being taken for each individual
I'm well aware this is a fairly mammoth project and the last part may be a bridge too far but the form bit is really important.
Thanks again for the response, even if I’m asking too much, any help is appreciated