Insert a picture outside margins WORD 2010

I want to insert an icon on the top right corner of the first page in the empty space that is considered outside of the margins.

How would I go about doing this? Thanks!
Any graphic in Word can have one of a set of "text wrapping" settings. The In-Line With Text setting makes it behave like a character, but any of the others will allow you to drag the graphic anywhere on the page. You can right-click the icon and click Wrap Text, then click one of the other values such as Square.

If your cursor is in the text on page 1 when you insert the icon, the graphic will be "anchored" to that paragraph. However, if you move or delete that paragraph, the icon will also move or be deleted (although you can change the icon's Position settings to keep it from moving with the text, up to a point).

It's often better to anchor the graphic in a header, which helps to keep it out of harm's way. To have it only on the first page and not on all pages, do this:
  • Double-click in the header area to open the header pane.
  • On the Header & Footer tools tab of the ribbon, check the box for Different First Page. Notice that the blue tag changes from "Header" to "First Page Header".
  • Insert the icon, change its text wrapping to Square, and drag it to the desired position. Because the cursor is in the first-page header paragraph, that's where the icon's anchor is.
  • Close the header. The icon will appear dimmed in Page Layout view, but it will print (including to PDF) at full strength.

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Last updated November 29, 2024 Views 107,704 Applies to: