I am trying to create an IF function in a word table. I keep getting Syntax error.

There is little information on the web about it.  I want to do this.  =IF(Boomark)="R",0,0.1)  This is to be able to give a conditional result depending on the letter entered in a bookmarked field.  Unfortunalety no combination of code, spaces, commas, brakets, inverted commas or the like will give me a result. 

I am using 64 bit operating system.

{=IF{Bookmark}="R",0,0.1},  or any combination I have tried does not work.  I most get syntax error but also get bookmark error in some combinations.

Any help much appreciated
The correct syntax (using bk1 as the name of the bookmark being tested) is

{ IF { bk1 }="R" 0 0.1 }

The first equal sign is not valid -- the IF is the keyword that identifies the function of the field, and it must be the first thing after the opening brace. An equal sign would identify a 'formula' field, but then the IF would be invalid. One or the other, not both!

The commas between the expression and the two values are also not valid. Use only spaces.

The syntax of the IF field is explained at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/field-codes-if-field-HP010077969.aspx.

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Last updated August 20, 2023 Views 4,739 Applies to: