Formula to Convert the minutes to Decimals in a Word Table

10 30
To copy the above cell(Repeat here) (= 10) To Convert the above to Decimal MINS (= .50)

=SUM(ABOVE) Hi all I would like some help. Using a WORD Table I would like a formula that would convert MINS to decimal Mins. The table above is a nut shell of the two formulas I require. =Sum(above) 1 = .02

Mod. Moved from Excel


As I said:

Of course if there's only one cell, you could get away with:


Simply put that formula in each of the cells.

Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above example are created in the document itself, via Ctrl-F9 (Cmd-F9 on a Mac); you can't simply type them or copy & paste them from this message.

Paul Edstein
(Fmr MS MVP - Word)

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Last updated February 5, 2024 Views 873 Applies to: