Change yen symbol to backslash

I have a word document that was created on a Japanese system. It's a software manual and has some paths in it. Having been created on a Japanese system the backslashes are displayed as the yen symbol which is expected.


The problem is this translated document is intended for an English market so I want the yen symbol to display as a backslash in this particular document. I've seen suggestions on the web that say to remove Japanese font support from Office. But that's not what I want as I often have to edit Japanese documents. All I want to do is set this document to use western characters. I'm also doubtful that would work as I've actually transferred the document to a system that has no Asian font support installed and tried editing the document on that. I've also tried using different fonts. It still seems impossible to replace the Yen symbol with a backslash.


Is there anyway I can switch this document to using backslashes instead of Yen symbols?


for Word 2010


got to File, Options, Advanced, at the bottom click on Layout Options and uncheck Convert backslash characters into yen signs

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I had this same issue.  First I checked to see if my keyboard was set to be English.

In Windows 7 - Control Panel - Language and Keyboards.  It was.

Then I went to my Outlook and saw that my default font was Myeiro - once I changed it to Tahoma or something more normal the Yen sign stopped coming up and I had my slashes.

So my suggestion would be to change your default font to one of the standard ones.

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Question Info

Last updated February 26, 2025 Views 54,815 Applies to: