A problem after installing PDF Complete

I am using word 2010. While writing a document I installed PDF Complete to my pc without closing the document. I failed to notice that in installing PDF other programs should be stopped. PDF is successfully installed and works well. After that I have found  I have a problem typing in THAI. I cannot insert any letter into an existing word or a sentence. I have to back space delete the last letter to the place where I want to insert a new letter. If I want to add a new word/sentence at the end of an existing sentence I have press the space bar many times and come back to the beginning place and type a new word. This is very frustrating. This problem is in typing THAI only, not in English. How can I fix this problem? Is it because of PDF or other problem?

It's difficult to tell if these particular problems are related. I have heard about PDF Complete (often preinstalled on HP computers) causing other kinds of trouble with Office, though.

If you purchased PDF Complete, contact the manufacturer. Otherwise, just uninstall it and replace it with one of the many freeware PDF converters available (CutePDF is one of those free converters and I have used it successfully).

[Edit: added clarification]

Stefan Blom
MS 365 Word MVP since 2005
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MS 365, Win 11 Pro
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I have an HP with PDF Complete and have same problem. Especially when switching between keyboards (I have English and two Serbian installed). PDF Complete uninstall solved problem....

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This problem has been solved in my pc some time in 2013.. I have edited the ADD-ON menu and I can use the PDF without the problem. I got the answer for a web. Can't remember how now. 

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Stefan Blom
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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 440 Applies to: