Problems with dates and duration time with project professional 2010

Hi, I'm using windows 8 consumer preview and I have installed Microsoft Project Professional 2010 and the problem I have is this:

I've customized my options to have my default working time from 9 am to 6 pm and the creation of new tasks to Auto scheduled, but, when I create a new task and I set the duration the dates doesn't match with the time, for example, If I set to 1 day into duration I expected to have the same date into Start and finish dates but, instead of that, the Start date is May 9th, and my finish date is May 10th, and if I see the gantt chart te starting working time for May 9th is after 12 pm so my task is scheduled to finish on May 10th at 12 pm. This is causing me a big trouble to create my activity plans and I don't know what to do. I've tryed to set the working calendar to match my defaults but it doesn't work.

Please help.

Tanks in advace.


César Rosas.
Under Options and Schedule (I think) you need to make sure the number of hours per day matches the default number of working hours per day in your project calendar. Default start and finish dates don't matter. Default start time is only used to add a time if you type in a start date.
Rod Gill
Author of the only book on Project VBA:

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Hi Rod, thanks for your help but the problem isn't that, the problem I have is that my tasks begins at 12 pm one day and ends 12 pm the next day because it takes 4 hours for the first day and 4 hours for the second day. Please see the image below so you can see wath's going on.

I've already tryed to fix the problem by dragging the task, changing the calendar working hours and no matter what I do it's still doing the same.

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Are you using the standard calendar (default), or did you create a custom calendar? Are there resources assigned that have a limited calendar (e.g. part time availability)?

Something is causing your task to start at noon. It could be your calendar (task and/or resource), or it could be a predecessor that has a duration of say 12h (day and a half). One of the best methods for finding out what is going on is to set your general option to show date formats that include the time. Unfortunately the image you posted only shows the result and gives no clue as to what is causing it.

More information is needed for us to give any more help. Right now, we can only guess.


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Thanks for your reply John, I did what you said and I could see the the tasks are starting at 2 pm and I don't know why it is happening because I've set my default working time (inside Options, Schedule) from 9 am to 6 pm and the calendar I'm using is the default. When I enter to the calendar I can see that the working time is from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5 pm. So, I don't know what to do. What other kind of information do you need? I already tryed to reinstall the program and it doesn't work either.



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I can simulate what you are seeing by changing the default start and finish times to 9:00 am and 6:00 pm respectively, setting the duration of a task to 1.5d (12h), and then making it the predecessor to the next task. The successor task will indeed start at 2:00 pm. This is using the standard calendar. You can see this very clearly by setting the Gantt Chart timescale to show hours for the minor scale. You will see the first task indeed starts at 9:00 am but the first day finishes at 5:00 pm because that is the default finish time for the standard calendar. The task continues the next day but starts at 8:00 am, again due to the standard calendar.

In order to do what you want you will not only have to set the default start and finish times under Options/Schedule but you will also need to modify the standard calendar by changing the working times. Go to Project/Properties group/Change Working TIme. In the lower half of the Change Working TIme window hit the tab for Work Weeks, then hit the Details button. Select Monday through Friday as a group and then select the option for Set Day(s) to these specific working times. Fill in the From and To times. Then hit "OK' and "OK". Now you should have it set up properly.

Hope this helps.


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Last updated February 6, 2025 Views 6,543 Applies to: