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My Product Key for Microsoft Office Suddenly not Valid
I purchased my Microsoft Office 2010 from Amazon and got the product key from there. It worked fine for a few weeks and now it is suddenly telling me that the key is no longer valid so my version is now "unlicensed." I copied the product key exactly from
Amazon and entered it, but it continues to tell me the key is not valid.
I don't know how to retrieve my product key off the Office website as it asks for a product pin number which I cannot find as my copy is a digital and not a hard copy.
What do I do? I can provide proof of purchase if necessary. I spent $119 on this product and I would be rather upset to learn that the money ended up being wasted.
So good news, I tried one more thing before I called MS. I went digging through my computer and found out the previous version of Office my father had installed was a pirated version which may have clashed with Office 2010. I uninstalled everything that
was related to Office included the starter pack.
I then reinstalled Office 2010 and now everything appears to be working fine. I checked in the help section and it tells me my version of Office 2010 is activated. So I think whatever pirated key my dad used to install Office 2007 clashed with 2010.
Thanks a lot for your help.
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