Need a Formula for CLOSEST MATCH

I have two lists.  LIST A & LIST B.

I want to compare codes to LIST A from LIST B.  When I do VLOOKUP all the exact match ones do come up but the ones that are closest do not.  Example LIST A has 919401-919409 so the closest match in LIST B is 91940 for all the codes 919401-91409 from LIST A, but VLOOKUP does not show that.  I have tried Index/Match but still not luck.  Is there a formula you can tell me or write it for me please.  It is really urgent and required. 

Help will be very appreciated.

Thank You

LIST A (Column A) LIST B (Column b)
919196 919197
919197 919196
919401 9194
919402 91940
919403 9198



You may refer to my solution at this link -

I just tried my solution on your dataset and it works just fine.

Hope this helps.


Ashish Mathur

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Last updated October 5, 2021 Views 237 Applies to: