I have done a lot of research on this question, but without success. I have learned how to add multiple files at one step by using Insert/object [down arrow]/text from file, and then selecting the file(s) that you want to include. All works swimmingly until I save the master file. It saves the file OK, but when I open it the previous file names are truncated to: "Chapter 1.docx", instead of "Chapter 01 - Introduction.docx"; "Chapter 2.docx", instead of "Chapter 02 - A Sunny Day in May.docx", etc. I wouldn't mind that so much, except that the original files have all been renamed as well.
I use file names when composing a long document to help me remember something about the content of the particular chapter, so the loss of the descriptive information is very irritating, especially since it affects the original.
I thought that perhaps the inclusion of spaces in my file name might be the problem, but I tried eliminating them and the outcome was identical
I am not sharing the files and I am the only one working on them.
Some of the chapters might be using different templates, but my "novel" template and my "normal" template are virtually identical.
I also considered whether the file name might be too long, but word generated single and double digit chapter numbers (e.g., Chapter 1, Chapter 21, etc.)
Any help regarding this problem would be appreciated.