I have reports with duplicate names, and I have a macro that can remove the duplicates.
My problem is that sometime the duplicate names are not removed because of sometime there is metadata that is not the same from one duplicate to the next.
It looks like this
4556 Smith, Bob
4556 Smith, Bob
4556 Smith, Bob
7777 Smith, Bob
8877 Smith, Bob
I can get to
4556 Smith, Bob
7777 Smith, Bob
8877 Smith, Bob
My problem is that I need to keep at least one line without taking the metadata out of that one line because i don't have full control over these reports so i can't just delete all the metadata.
Disclosure: The actual macro I use is some mighty fine code written by someone other than myself. I
Sub RemoveDupEntries()
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim doc As Document
Dim vEntries() As Variant
Dim vDupEntries() As Variant
Dim sParaText As String
ReDim vEntries(0)
ReDim vDupEntries(0)
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each para In doc.Paragraphs
sParaText = Left(para.Range.Text, para.Range.Characters.Count - 1)
If IsMember(vEntries, sParaText) Then
If IsMember(vDupEntries, sParaText) = False Then
Push vDupEntries, sParaText
End If
Push vEntries, sParaText
End If
Next para
' Now vDupEntries contains any items that were duplicated.
' You can insert it at the end of doc 3 as needed
' For example:
' Documents("Doc3").Content.InsertAfter Join(vDupEntries, vbCr)
End Sub
Function Push(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal str As String)
ReDim Preserve vArray(UBound(vArray) + 1)
vArray(UBound(vArray)) = str
End Function
Function IsMember(vArray As Variant, ByVal str As String)
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In vArray
If v = str Then
IsMember = True
Exit Function
End If
Next v