I want to combine eight separate WORD documents, each large, containing many embedded photos and charts, (typical file size 150-200 MB), in order to print as a single document with continuous page numbering. I thought the Master Document approach would be the solution, but can't get it to work. Several tests combining just two or three sub-documents, seemed to go well, but as the number/size of the sub-documents increased, so I ran into trouble - WORD either returned an error claiming that a file named ~WRLxxxx dcouldn't be found, or it simply hung. Either way, it was a failure. Reading through previous Community threads on the subject in 2007 and 2010, it seems this has always been a problem area in WORD. Can anyone tell me how I can combine these eight files to print as a single continuously numbered (and ideally indexed - but I can live without that) document. Note that the total size of the eight WORD files is approx. 900 MB).
Thanks in advance for any tips.
Ron in France