how to uninstall OneNote


i have a sony vaio with windows vista, would like to know how to uninstall OneNote 2007. i accently clicked on the ballon on the bottom of my screen and it installed and i really dislike this program. ive tried looking for an uninstall icon in the program files from hard drive, but there was none.

any help would be appreciated,


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I am not sure why this has become such a hot button issue. I am sorry that my comments have made it worse.

I added the remove instructions at the top f the thread because I thought it would help people. It was done directly from my uninstalling it for a test. Let me repeat the basics of that instruction, since a piece of it seems to have gotten lost:

From Start --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features, find your version of Office in the list of programs. Click the "Change" link at the top of the list. Wait for Office to do the set up. On the list of options, select "Add or Remove Features". Click Continue. Select OneNote from the list. RIght click it and select "Not Availalbe", then click continue again. Your computer will buzz for a while.... When done, OneNote should be removed from your computer.

Please be sure that you have another printer available to that machine so that you get a new default printer once Send to OneNote is gone.

As for the other question: No - OneNote doesn't slow down my machine. I usually have at least one instance of it up and I don't see any slow down at all. In fact, installing it and getting it set up only takes a minute or two on my machines. I would love to know more about what is on your machines that is causing the slow down.

Some of us do care about OneNote problems. Just because I can't live without it doesn't mean you should use it. I am sorry for the problems this thread has caused.

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Last updated November 27, 2024 Views 57,720 Applies to: