Having problems with TEXT formula. dd.mm.yyyy format returns erroneous results


Excel 2003, cell A1 (format date dd.mm.yyyy) contains:


In cell A2 I use the formula wizard to create the following:


Result: #VALUE!

Even more strange is that, sometimes (I don't know how) I get dd.09.yyyy !! I.e. it recognizes the month but not the whole thing.

Any idea what is going on and how to get around this problem?

Thank you

What is your system language? If it is different from English, you have to use the local format. For instance, on a French system, you'd use "jj/mm/aaaa" (j = jour, m = mois, a = année).

And are you sure that the value in A1 is really a date value? Is the value right-aligned if you don't specify the horizontal alignment explicitly?
Best wishes, HansV

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Last updated November 14, 2022 Views 9,594 Applies to: