Error 1025 "Unknown namespace" with IMAP account after installation of SP2

After installing SP2 for Office 2011 (on Lion), Outlook frequently shows an error 1025 "Unknown namespace" with an IMAP account.

Deleting and readding this account does not help. Neither does deleting and readding the mailbox help.

The ISP says everything is fine on their end. The IMAP account does work without a problem with iMail.

When displaying the IMAP folders with the respective email account, there are 5 folders shown (Drafts, Deleted Elements, Sent Elements, Junk-E-Mail and INBOX). On the IMAP server itself there is only the INBOX folder. It looks like Outlook is expecting the other four folders to be there, but the ISP only allows subfolders below the INBOX folder.

BTW: This is on a German Office 2011 on a German Lion. The folder names have been translated.

14.2.3 was released today and fixes this issue.  It should be appearing in Microsoft AutoUpdate soon and is currently available for direct download here . 

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Last updated October 6, 2023 Views 20,794 Applies to: